What is the PPF Trustmark?
The PPF Trustmark badge shows the expertise and high standards of service provided by the PPF’s panel firms.
The PPF Trustmark badge

The PPF Trustmark badge is used by the panel firms who support us and schemes with our assessment process. Panel firms are specialist
advisors appointed by the PPF to help take schemes through the assessment period as efficiently as possible.
They're experts who play a vital role in securing the best possible outcome for schemes and their members. During an assessment process they
help with managing schemes, making sure the information schemes hold about their members is accurate, paying benefits, and keeping
members updated on progress.
The PPF Trustmark badge recognises our panel firms’ specialist knowledge as well as their commitment to working collaboratively with us to deliver the high levels of service we set.
You may see the PPF Trustmark in communications sent to you by our panel firms as it is used to reassure members that they work closely with
us and provide high-quality services. Panel firms may use the Trustmark in a variety of ways, including in member communications for schemes in
PPF assessment, on online member portals, and on scheme specific websites.